SysAdmin's Journey

Using Git Submodules With Dynamic Puppet Environments

There comes a point in the lifecycle of every Puppet setup where you realize that you’re going to be much better off utilizing other peoples' Puppet modules whenever possible. It’s what makes OSS great – why should I reinvent the wheel when I can help make your wheel even better? I’ve found what I think is a very productive setup – it leverages Git (specifically branches, submodules, and hooks), Gitolite permissions, and Puppet environments to create a workflow that a team of admins can use to iterate over new features on without disturbing each other.

Most of pieces to this puzzle are very well documented elsewhere, I’ll provide links where necessary.

Step 1: Establish Dynamic Environment Workflow

The first step is to go read “Git Workflow and Puppet Environments” written by Adrien Thebo of Puppet Labs. Once you’ve implemented that setup, you should be able to do the following from your workstation:

git clone git@git:puppet.git
cd puppet
git checkout -b mybrokenbranch
echo "this line breaks everything" >> manifests/site.pp
git commit -am 'Intentionally breaking things'
git push origin mybrokenbranch

At this point, you now have a new environment named ‘mybrokenbranch’ on your Puppetmaster. You can test the setup by ssh'ing into the client machines and run:

puppet agent --test --environment mybrokenbranch --noop

That obviously won’t be a happy puppet run. The key point here being that your other environments are not impacted by the work of this one admin. Let’s delete the local and remote branch. From your workstation:

git checkout master
git branch -d mybrokenbranch
git push origin :mybrokenbranch

Note that the Puppetmaster says that it’s deleted the environment. Feel free to verify that by running the above command on the Puppet client, it will complain about not having an environment.

Step 2: Incorporate Git Submodules

With all that setup, let’s go ahead and implement support for git submodules. I have a pull request off to Adrien to implement this functionality, but until he commits it in, you can use my fork on github. Replace the update hook with the updated version on your git server. Now, let’s try pulling a git submodule into our repo. Again, from your workstation:

git checkout -b firewall
git submodule add git:// modules/firewall
git add .gitmodules modules/firewall
git commit -m 'Adding firewall submodule'
git push origin firewall

Note in the output that the Puppetmaster is checking out the git submodule into the new environment. Go ahead and log into the Puppetmaster, and look in your firewall environment, you should see all the manifests and whatnot there.

Here’s where I need to stamp a disclosure notice – git submodules aren’t all milk and honey. There’s some funky situations you can get yourself into if you’re not careful. Thankfully, there’s not many of those situations you can’t get yourself out of. I highly recommend reading the Pro Git chapter on submodules before doing anything with them.

Step 3: Implement Access Controls on Gitolite

This next step is entirely optional, but works out well for us. We have a setup where I’m the only admin that can write to the master and testing branches of our git repo, but any sysadmin can create their own branch, test it, and delete it if need be. Setting up gitolite is far beyond the scope of this post, but if you have about an hour of free time, you can have it setup and running. However, below I’ve pasted the relevant snippet from gitolite.conf that enforces those permissions.

repo    puppet                                                                                                          
  RW+     = JustinEllison
  R       = @SysAdmins Fisheye-puppet PuppetMaster
               - master testing = @SysAdmins
  RW+     = @SysAdmins

Step 4: Profit!

To summarize it all, here’s the workflow for an admin to add a new feature in our Puppet setup:

  1. Create a new VM which will be the testing ground for the new feature.
  2. Create a local feature branch to implement the new feature in. The admin iterates over this branch (pushing the branch to origin) getting things working with his VM.
  3. Once he’s happy with the results on his VM, he’s required to login to another sandbox VM, and run it against the same puppet branch with the ‘–noop’ flag to ensure nothing unintended happens.
  4. At this point, the positive and the negative have been tested, and he then asks me to merge the feature branch into master.
  5. I then do a
git diff ...origin/newfeature

We go over any changes, and I merge it in. 1. From there, we follow our normal deployment method of tagging a release, and manually checking out the tag on the Puppetmaster.

While it’s certainly not perfect, this workflow setup has allowed us to work together as a team while still implementing some best practices. In particular, the dynamic environments allow us to test our features extensively before releasing them into production. This is especially important in a team where the admins aren’t Ruby programmers that can write puppet-rspec tests.

Before the integration of git submodules with the dynamic environment workflow, we were manually merging external repos into our own setup, and it was an absolute nightmare. Now, to update our repo to use a new version of someone else’s module, we just create a new feature branch, update the submodule, test, and merge.

What workflows do you and your team use that make life with Puppet better? Please share below.
