SysAdmin's Journey

Mozilla Weave Setup on CentOS 5.2

Mozilla Weave is a project from Mozilla Labs that aims to keep all of your browser data synced between all of your PC’s.  The now defunct Google Browser Sync used to do this, as does Foxmarks.  Although Weave is still in it’s infancy, it’s been very promising thus far.  However, many of the users of Mozilla’s own Weave server complain that the service is very slow.  The beauty of Weave is that it uses the standard protocol WebDAV to sync it’s data.  Why does that matter?  Because our good ‘ol buddy Apache can speak WebDAV out-of-the box!  Follow the jump to find out how you can setup your own server that you can sync to. In our scenario, we’ll be setting up Weave to sync to a CentOS 5.2 server running Apache 2.2.  We’ll use mod_ssl to encrypt the communications - and to conserve IP’s and SSL certs, we’ll setup Weave as a subdirectory under the main SSL virtual host.  However, you should be able to adapt these instructions to any Apache installation where mod_ssl and mod_dav_fs is installed and available. There’s two phases to the installation: 1. Setup of the Apache server 2. Setup of the Firefox client(s)

Setup of the Apache server

First, make sure that you have mod_ssl installed: yum install mod_ssl

Now, make sure the following lines are present in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to enable WebDAV:

LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
<IfModule mod_dav_fs.c>
  DAVLockDB /var/lib/dav/lockdb

Now, let’s setup our directory alias off of the main SSL virtual host. We’ll maintain our configuration in a separate file. Create a file named /etc/httpd/conf.d/mozilla-weave.include with this in it: Alias /weave /apps/mozilla_weave/www

<Directory /apps/mozilla_weave/www>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "WebDAV Restricted"
  AuthUserFile /apps/mozilla_weave/passwords
  require valid-user

<Location /weave>
  DAV On

Now, let’s get this file included in the main SSL virtualhost. On CentOS, edit the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf. Just before the closing VirtualHost tag, insert the include statement: include /etc/httpd/conf.d/mozilla-weave.include

Now, let’s create our directory structure (replace ‘myusername’ with whatever username you want to authenticate with): cd /apps mkdir -p mozilla_weave/www/user/myusername chown -R apache:apache mozilla_weave

Now, we’ll create our htaccess file - again replace ‘myusername’: echo “require user myusername” > mozilla_weave/www/user/myusername/.htaccess chown apache:apache mozilla_weave/www/user/myusername/.htaccess htpasswd -c mozilla_weave/passwords myusername

Finally, let’s restart Apache: /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Setup of the Firefox client(s)

First, download the latest Weave plugin from here. Go ahead and restart Firefox. It will start the Weave wizard on startup, but for now click cancel. Click the new Weave icon down in your status bar, and click on “Preferences”.  Now click on the advanced tab.  You need to change the Server Location field to the URL that we just set up in Apache.  In my case, I used Now, click on the Account tab, and click the “Sign In” button.  Click the “Next” button, followed by “Set Up Another Computer”.  Should be self explanatory from here out - just use the same username and password we set up earlier via Apache. The latest versions of Weave require you to use SSL. Since not everyone has money to throw away, you might be using a self-signed certificate. When you do, you need to browse to and jump through all the hoops to autmatically accept the certificate before it will work in Weave. If you don’t do this, Weave will give you the error “Username / password incorrect”

One PC down, now go to all of your other machines and point them at your new WebDAV enabled directory. Then enjoy all the synchronized goodness with great performance!
