SysAdmin's Journey

Apache, Mod_ssl, and the Sun Fire T1000 - Part II

After recompiling Apache to take advantage of the T1000’s MAU as described in part I, I set out to doing some testing. Something was amiss - using some clients, I would see SSL page load times of about .025 seconds, others took close to a second. The v210 consistently tested out at about .080 seconds per page. Do not use the worker MPM with the pkcs11 engine!!!! There is a bug on that will bite you. In part III I’ll compare performance of worker vs prefork on the T1000 that will follow up with this issue. After a lot of Googling, I finally figured out what it was. The T1000’s MAU is only fast at doing RSA, and it generally sucks loudly when it tries to do anything with DH signing. Bug # 6241300 on OpenSolaris confirmed the issue. If you limit mod_ssl’s CipherSuite to just RSA algorithms, performance is great. However, we’re ecommerce here, and we don’t want to turn away anyone. Especially if they’re trying to go SSL, which is generally reserved for registering and checkout. So I though to myself, why not try our best to use RSA with everyone, but if they can’t or won’t do it, then we fall back to DH and eat the performance hit? I read Apache’s documentation on the CipherSuite directive until I could recite it word-for-word from memory. No matter what I did, I could not get FireFox to negotiate RC4-MD5 if there were any 256bit ciphersuites offered. I found a nice online tool at that allows you to find out what other sites are offering for ciphersuites. Using as my model, I found that they were somehow forcing me to use RC4-MD5 as long as my browser supported it. Just as I was ready to throw in the towel, and give up, I found the SSLHonorCipherOrder Apache directive. Yaayyyy!!! Crap! That feature was added in Apache 2.2 - we’re on 2.0. Before I get into the details, let me explain what this option does. The SSL specification says that as part of SSL negotiation, the server can dictate what the ciphersuite will be. However, until the SSLHonorCipherOrder option was introduced, Apache always went with what the client wanted to use. So, envision the server and the client walking down the street. They bump into each other, and want to talk in a secret language:

  • Server: Hi, I can speak the following secret languages: A,B,C,X,Y,Z. Which would you like to use?
  • Client: I can speak all of those too, but my favorite is Y. Let’s use that.
  • Server: Sounds good to me!

Now, when you set SSLHonorCipherOrder to true, the conversation is like this:

  • Server: Hi, what secret languages can you speak?
  • Client: I can speak A,B,C,X,Y,Z.
  • Server: Well, A is first in my list, we’ll use A.

So, by turning on SSLHonorCipherOrder, I can get the desired behavior where Apache does everything it can to use high performance ciphersuites before falling back to the slow ones! Now about that Apache 2.2 thing… Using my elite Googling skills once more, I found that the SSLHonorCipherOrder was a feature that was actually added to Apache when it was in 2.0, but it was branched off into 2.1 which eventually became 2.2. This meant that I might actually be able to “backport” that feature to 2.0 by simply copying and pasting some code. I found the original Apache bug and tried to patch it against 2.0.59. Using ‘patch < myfile.patch’ got most of the way, but there was a chunk at the end that I had to manually paste into the source code. It still fit perfectly, but the line numbers had changed a bit. So, once more I recompiled Apache, used the SSLHonorCipherOrder flag, and with no complaints, Apache was off and serving requests. Now, how in the world do I find out if it’s working or not? Verification First, make sure that the RSA operations of SSL are getting handed off to the hardware:

root@web1->kstat -n ncp0 -s rsaprivate
module: ncp                             instance: 0
name:   ncp0                            class:    misc
rsaprivate                      840

Hit an SSL page, then check the counter again. It should be incrementing. So, that tells us that the crypto hardware is being used, but I wanted a way to find out what the ciphersuite distribution was. While memorizing mod_ssl’s documentation, I remembered that I could log the protocol version and ciphersuite. So, I created a new logformat named combinedssl and used it in httpd.conf like so:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x" combinedssl
CustomLog logs/www_ssl combinedssl

After restarting Apache, I had a logfile named logs/www_ssl with lines like this: - - [08/Aug/2007:17:14:27 -0500] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 1406 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070508 Firefox/" TLSv1 RC4-MD5

Look at the last two fields - there’s our SSL info! Next, I whipped up some Perl to do a report on the data. I named it

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $input;
if (-t STDIN) { #is STDIN standard?
  my $file = shift || die "I need a filename to parse!n";
  $input = *F;
} else {
  $input = *STDIN;

my %sslcounts;
my %ips;
while (<$input>) {
  if (/^([0-9.]+) .* ([w-]+) ([w-]+$)/) {
    if (! defined($ips{$1})) {
      next if ($1 eq '-' || $2 eq '-');
  else { die "Can't parse!"; }

my $grandtotal = $sslcounts{total};
delete $sslcounts{total};
printf("%-25s %6d (%5.2f","SSL Connections",$grandtotal,"100"); print "%)n";
foreach my $proto (sort { $sslcounts{$b}{total} <=> $sslcounts{$a}{total} } keys(%sslcounts)) {
  next if ($proto eq "total");
  my $ptotal = $sslcounts{$proto}{total};
  delete $sslcounts{$proto}{total};
  printf("%-25s %6d (%5.2f","  Protocol: $proto",$ptotal,($ptotal / $grandtotal * 100)); print "%)n";
  foreach my $cipher (sort { $sslcounts{$proto}{$b}{total} <=> $sslcounts{$proto}{$a}{total} } keys(%{$sslcounts{$proto}})) {
    next if ($cipher eq "total");
    my $ctotal = $sslcounts{$proto}{$cipher}{total};
    delete $sslcounts{$proto}{$cipher}{total};
    printf("%-25s %6d (%5.2f","    $cipher",$ctotal,($ctotal / $grandtotal * 100)); print "%)n";

I don’t claim that the above code is proper, but I do know that it works:

root@web1-> perl /tmp/ logs/www_ssl
    SSL Connections              250 (100.00%)
      Protocol: TLSv1            130 (52.00%)
        RC4-MD5                  117 (46.80%)
        AES256-SHA                 9 ( 3.60%)
        DES-CBC3-SHA               4 ( 1.60%)
      Protocol: SSLv3            120 (48.00%)
        RC4-MD5                  106 (42.40%)
        DES-CBC3-SHA              10 ( 4.00%)
        AES256-SHA                 4 ( 1.60%)

Nice! All SSL requests since we redeployed Apache are using the fast RSA ciphersuites! For what it’s worth, I could not get the nicely formatted +HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW type of ciphersuite syntax to work properly. Every time I added the word ALL to the mix, it blew up my sort order. I’d beaten my head against the wall enough already, so I just hardcoded all the ones I wanted in there.


If anyone knows of a cleaner way to represent that list in the same order, please let me know. I’d also like to know what ciphersuites other ecommerce shops use. References used but not linked above: Sun offers a blueprint of the crypto accelerator of the UltraSPARC T1 processor as a PDF.
